Cavallaro Napoli manufactures its collections as close to home as possible, i.e. in neighbouring countries. Manufacturing locally reduces CO2 emissions, thus reducing our impact on the environment. This stance demonstrates not only environmental awareness, but also social responsibility.

With our manufacturers largely located in and around Europe, we are in a position to transport our goods over land as much as possible. Transport by truck makes a significant difference in greenhouse gas emissions compared to air or ship transport. 

Another advantage of local proximity is that we're closer to the source. For example, we can invite suppliers to our offices or visit them at trade fairs. Maintaining direct contact with our suppliers over an extended period of time ensures consistent quality of our products. And, in addition, the chain remains transparent. A clear picture of all the services being performed allows for fair pricing. Everyone who contributes to the quality of our clothes benefits.

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Each year, Cavallaro Napoli's designers create beautiful collections that will last for years. We believe in excellent materials that last longer. This mission of slow fashion goes against the disposable economy.

Fabrics and trimmings are carefully selected, starting at the design table. A large proportion of our 100% cotton shirts and blouses carry the BCI certificate (Better Cotton Initiative). We also screen our suppliers for sustainability certificates they have obtained. 

Our cardboard is made from 74%-95% recycled cardboard, manufactured in the Netherlands and carries the FSC label. This means that the cardboard we use is made from recycled raw materials and, therefore, does not require unnecessary logging. At Cavallaro Napoli, we will always seek balance with nature and the environment. 


Although we aren't usually aware of it, returning packages has a big impact on the environment. After all, the environment doesn't benefit from the CO2 emissions of reverse logistics, spoilage and a growing waste mountain. Cavallaro Napoli wants to minimise the impact of returning goods and needs you to do so! Which is why we ask for a small contribution towards the return costs (€2.95). We hope that this contribution will allow our customers to make a more conscious purchase and that returns won't necessarily be required.  

Together, we are making positive strides towards a sustainable fashion industry.

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