Publication date: 21/03/2018
Last year was big. After being the partner of Dutch football team AZ, we became the proud Formal Wear Partner of the English Arsenal Football Club. This year, things get even better. We are honored to announce that Cavallaro Napoli is the new Formal Wear Partner of the KNVB, the Royal Dutch Football Association!
For the coming 5 years, Cavallaro Napoli will provide both the board of directors and the complete staff, as the women’s and men’s team with a new tailored outfit.
In their choice for Cavallaro Napoli, the combination of quality, passion, and experience with national and international football clubs was decisive for the KNVB. After succesful collaborations with AZ and Arsenal Football Club, Cavallaro Napoli is well on the way to become a big fashion player in the world of football. And we are proud of that!